A camper on the bungee run at the M+M party.

Book your place

Full cost of holiday: £299

Fill out this form to book your place on M+M. You can read our Terms and Conditions here.

⚠️ We are operating a waiting list for Max and Madness on Week 1. Mayhem 1 still has space!

⚠️ There are limited spaces available on Week 2. Please contact week2@madnessandmayhem.org.uk before applying.

⛺ Reduced cost for Mayhem boys

New for 2025! Boys on Mayhem (15-18) will pay a reduced cost of £234 to reflect that they will be camping rather than in dormitories. For more information, see the Mayhem page.

Select your dates

Child's details



We will do our best to ensure your child is with at least one friend listed.

Parent/carer details (required if applicant is under 18)

Relationship to child

Address same as child?

Contact permission

We would like to stay in touch and keep you up to date with future M+M holidays. We will respect how often we contact you, and you can change this at any time by emailing info@madnessandmayhem.org.uk.

We will never sell or swap your data with another organisation and will store your details securely, respecting your trust and privacy. For our full privacy policy, see https://www.madnessandmayhem.org.uk/privacy

I understand that M+M Holidays will keep a record of my child's name, address, medical records and attendance at this event to comply with safeguarding requirements

Photo (etc) permission

During the course of the camp, we plan to be taking videos and photographs for creating memories of camp activities, for use in our publicity and or other material produced by M+M Holidays. This may include publishing on websites and social media (see T&Cs section 16). It is important that we seek permission from yourself and your child (over the age of 13) to take and use these images for these stated purposes. Please could you discuss with your child whether they are happy to give M+M Holidays permission to include them in any photographs or videos as described below and complete the consent box below as appropriate:

I am happy for M+M Holidays to include my child in videos and photographs of M+M Holiday activities and these may be used in future publicity, or other material produced by M+M Holidays. I have consulted with my child who also gives permission.

I am happy for M+M Holidays to include my child in a group photograph of their camp (either Max/Madness/Mayhem). This is not shared for publicity purposes. A printed copy is provided to each person in the photograph. I have consulted with my child who also gives permission.

I am happy for M+M Holidays to store a photograph of my child for the purpose of identification. This will be destroyed at the end of the holiday. I have consulted with my child who also gives permission.

How did you hear about M+M Holidays?

Payment information

We are currently setting up a new bank account. We will be in touch with the account details in the next couple of months. Once we have shared bank details with you, we will require a deposit of £40 within two weeks or your place will be cancelled.

Sibling discount

If you have need to apply for the sibling discount (£30), please tick the box and write the names of the camper's siblings below.


If you would like to apply for a bursary, please tick the below box and we will get in touch with you. See the bursary page for more information.

Other information

Please let us have any information which would be helpful to the M+M Leaders in planning the holiday.

A medical form will be sent separately before the holiday commences and it is essential that it is completed and returned by a parent/carer immediately.

Young person declaration

I understand that there will be Christian teaching on the holiday. I agree to give my full support and co-operation to the Holiday Leaders. I will behave appropriately at all times.

Mobile phone declaration

Max (9-11s) and Madness (12-14s) are mobile phone free holidays. We are keen to protect the young people attending our holidays from the pressures and distractions that mobile phones can bring, whilst fully embracing all that a week away together offers. Should you need to contact your child in an emergency, you will have a leader's number that you can call. Similarly, we are able to arrange for your child to call you using a leader's phone.

Mayhem (15-18s) may use their phones at designated times, but are expected to switch off and store their phones for the rest of the time. Phones are taken in overnight and returned the following day. Leaders have permission to remove phones if needed.

If you have any concerns about this, please contact us and we would be happy to discuss it with you further.

Parent/carer declaration (or by young person if over 18)

I agree to the Booking Terms & Conditions. I support and approve my son/daughter/ward taking part in this holiday. I agree to pay any outstanding balance by 31st May 2025.